Request a Training

The Title IX and Gender Equity Office offers general trainings on any of the below topics, as well as trainings that can be tailored to meet the needs of a specific audience.  

  • Title IX and the CSU Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking and Retaliation
  • Responsible Employees: Responding to a Disclosure and the Duty to Report 
  • The Distinction Between Confidential and Non-Confidential Resource Offices
  • The Wellbeing Attendant Policy
  • How to be an Effective Wellbeing Attendant

Request a Training(s)

To learn more about the Title IX and Gender Equity Office’s trainings, or to request a presentation, please email

If you would like a more tailored presentation, please email and we will schedule a time to discuss.

Mandatory Online Education for Students and Employees

2022-23 academic year

All incoming undergraduate students and new transfer undergraduate students must complete the online training titled, Sexual Violence Prevention for New Undergraduate Students.

All new graduate students must complete the online training titled, Sexual Violence Prevention for New Graduate Students.

All returning undergraduate and graduate students must complete the online training titled, Bystander Intervention.

All employees are required to complete the annual training titled, Gender Equity and Title IX.

All managers, supervisors, and lead employees are required to complete an online training every two years titled, CSU's Discrimination Harassment Prevention Program for Supervisors.

All non-supervisory employees are required to complete an online training every two years titled, CSU's Discrimination Harassment Prevention Program for Non-Supervisors.

Please email if you have any trouble accessing the online training modules.