

Department of Environmental Studies


Current Research Activities

My current field工作 is focused on the winter ecology of western burrowing owls in Santa Clara County, especially the relationship of the wintering birds to the local breeding population. This research is very exciting and it’s fun too, as I get to 工作 with so many people I like, including two burrowing owl experts who are former students (Phil Higgins and Debra Chromczak). I’m also writing three papers for publication with recent graduate students—on burrowing owls, mollusks and ducks—so there are a number research questions associated with those papers that demand my attention.


Research 连接s to Current 事件

菠菜网lol正规平台 has been a fantastic place to do research! I have been supported every step of the way—with grants, colleague support for my 工作 and student involvement. 我有 the unique opportunity to 工作 at a local level on research that assists wildlife agencies, non-profit groups and local municipalities. 菠菜网lol正规平台 has supported this community-focused 工作.


Personal 连接s to Research

I am deeply concerned about the global loss of biodiversity, the greatest decline since the dinosaurs went extinct. Humans are the cause of this tremendous loss of species and I feel a compelling obligation to do what I can to help ameliorate this global disaster. Through my teaching, research and community efforts, I 工作 toward 这个目的.