

Blue banner with white and yellow lettering Celebration of 校友 Excellence

Our alumni engage in transformative work across a range of educational and community 空间. 加入我们 4月27日星期六, to celebrate this brilliance and dedication, and to learn with and from each other!


8:30am 登记入住、社交、早餐
9:00am 欢迎 & 卢里学院亮点
9:30am 主题对话
10:00am 校友面板 
11:45am 奖 & 关闭

Confirmed Speakers - check back for updates!

克劳迪娅·菲格罗亚 特殊教育(2019)
莫妮卡冈萨雷斯, 孩子 & Adolescent Development (2015), Special 教育 (2020, 2021)
蒂姆•哈珀 孩子 & Adolescent Development (2003), Special 教育 (2009), 教育al Leadership 教育博士(正在进行中)
April Mouton博士, Teacher 教育 (2005), 教育al Counseling (2008)
Monica Andrea Munevar, 交际障碍 & 科学(2023)
丽贝卡·奥布莱恩,教育学博士, 教育领导教育博士(2019)
约翰·席林,教育学博士, 教育领导教育博士(2019)
Buu Thai, EdD, 教育领导教育博士(2018)
布丽安娜贝拉斯克斯, 教师教育(2013)

If you are interested in learning more, and for ways to get involved, please contact janene.perez@redant999.net


Each year we are honored to recognize an alumni that embodies the priorities of community engaged, culturally sustaining, holistic, and interdisciplinary work. 



菠菜网lol正规平台 卢里教育学院 alumni can take advantage of the numerous opportunities to actively participate in the continued growth of the college! 与我们联系:

  • learn about continued professional development support as a new alumni
  • volunteer to participate in college activities (alumni panel, mentoring, etc.)
  • share your professional highlights - we want to showcase your work!
  • receive updates on alumni events and networking opportunities

Complete the alumni update form today!


Follow us for the most recent news and events!


给 or Donate to the 菠菜网lol正规平台 卢里教育学院

Our college has been preparing educators for over a century and a half through rigorous undergraduate and graduate study and professional credentialing programs.  Our programs have prepared some of the best, brightest, and most committed educators in 湾区和其他地区.  校友 can partner with us on a range of fundraising priorities, 包括:

  • 支持我们 菠菜网lol正规平台 Lurie学院奖学金. Our scholarships decrease financial barriers and future debt for our students, which allows them to focus on their education and increases the retention efforts of remaining in their profession after graduation.
  • 建立我们的 经济困难资助基金. When our Lurie College students experience unforeseen financial hardships, they can apply for this grant to address acute needs. Since 2019, we've been able to provide over 150 grants to students to support their continued enrollment.
