CDIP Recipients 2017-2018



安吉Buckner-Cap一个 received her B.A. in Women's Studies and Community Studies from the University of California at Santa Cruz. She then earned her Master of Public Health from 圣何塞州立大学. She is currently enrolled in the 教育al Leadership Doctoral program at 圣何塞州立大学, a program she believes well positions her research interests in the pragmatic intersection of public school systems and 公共卫生. She starting teaching high school in 2008, but quickly moved into a lecturer role in higher education beginning in 2009. Having taught at San Jose State University from 2009 until her acceptance into its Ed.D. 程序,安吉是熟悉的 with and embraces the "solutions to complex social problems [that] are more creative, relevant, and sustainable when diversity is well represented" in the classroom. 安吉的 mentor has worked with her since 2001 and feels that "over the past 12 years, Ms. Buckner's service to the department and 学生 has been exemplary.她试图 incorporate 学生' lived experiences and perspectives into her teaching to create environments of inclusion that enhance student learning. Her research interests are focused on strengthening K-12 education to better prepare 学生 for a successful college experience, supporting the CSU goal of four-year graduation rates. 这是一个 goal of her doctoral experience to eng年龄 in pragmatic research that is relevant and application to practiti一个rs, and then as a professor to teach emerging professionals 有效的应用. 安吉的 program mentor is Anne Demers, Associate Professor, Health 科学 and Recreation.


Discipline: Ecology/Marine Ecology

Christian Denny received his B.S. in Biological 科学s with an emphasis in Marine Biology from University of California, Davis, and is currently finishing his Masters degree at in Fisheries and Conservation Biology through San Francisco State University (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories). Since his undergraduate career, Christian has been developing his research skills with the focused intent of becoming a professor 海洋科学. 他的 time at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories afforded him the opportunity to perform research as well as gain teaching experience and provide undergraduate 指导. He believes that diverse backgrounds contribute to diverse ideas in science, a dynamic field full of new discoveries. Besides all of 基督徒的 research activities, his Collaborative Plan of Support provides for greater exposure to the teaching experience through lecturing and additional training in pedagogy and teaching methodology. 基督徒的 mentor, Scott Hamilton, an Associate Professor at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories who has known Christian for five years, believes that he "is a creative thinker, with the maturity, drive, and mental fortitude to succeed in the rigorous . . .博士课程 加州大学戴维斯分校.此外,博士. Hamilton believes that Scott will be instrumental as CSU professor, mentoring 学生 and improving minority participation in the STEM 字段.


Discipline: 他的tory of Art and Architecture

玛丽Okin received both her B.A. in Liberal Arts and her M.A. in Art 他的tory and Visual Culture from 圣何塞州立大学. She is currently enrolled in the 他的tory of Art and Architecture doctoral program at University of California, Santa Barbara, with a specialization in American Art. Mary has garnered a wealth of prestigious awards, including the Sally Casanova Pre-Doctoral Scholarship, where she studied with Dr. Margaretta Lovell at the University of California, Berkeley. 她接受需要 for future scholars to correlate their coursework in the humanities with the digital 年龄. Her goal is to give back to the CSU system she believes shaped her "intellectual, personal, and professional development" and her commitment to "diversity, pedagogy, 和服务." Mary's curriculum vitae demonstrates her strong grounding in research 以及社区服务. She held important positions of leadership while at San José State University, including that of a graduate student appointee to the 菠菜网lol正规平台 President's Commission on 多样性 (which sought to address the aftermath of a campus hate crime and develop a position for a Chief 多样性 Officer) and was appointed by the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Academic Senate to serve on a search committee for the Dean of the University Library. Mary's close relationship with her mentor is important to note.  他们成功了 together for many years already, and Mary writes that "Like her [Dr. Rostankowski), I plan to inspire CSU 学生 to study well, build community, and make the world 一个更好的地方." That relationship will continue to evolve with Dr. 辛西娅·Rostankowski的 strong support as a trusted and valued mentor.



迈克尔Vallerga received both his B.A. 在心理学和他的M.A. 在实验 Psychology from 圣何塞州立大学. He is currently enrolled in the Psychology doctoral program at University of California, Santa Cruz, with a specialization in 社会心理学. Michael took a different path than many Ph.D. 学生. 毕业后 with his master's degree, he took a few years off to travel and work outside of academia. During this time, he discovered a passion for social justice, and in particular, social justice in the area of gender and sexuality. Michael returned to 圣何塞州立大学 and persevered in his goal to join academia by contacting several professors (many of whom he had never worked with in the past) and requesting their assistance. 他的 mentor, James Lee, was 一个 such contact.  Dr. Lee is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Justice Studies at 菠菜网lol正规平台. With the assistance of his mentor, Michael became a lecturer in the Justice Studies Department at 圣何塞州立大学, where he began to h一个 his teaching skills and whet his appetite for academic research. Encour年龄d by this support, Michael has moved on to a rigorous Ph.D. 项目 less than 5% of all applicants are accepted. According to a letter of support from that program, he is thriving. Because the University of California at Santa Cruz and 圣何塞州立大学 are closely situated, Michael's Collaborative Plan is 一个 of participation between mentor and mentee, including research projects, collaboration with local marginalized communities, and the development of a regional Social Justice 研究会议. 他的 mentor believes he will be become an "asset of the CSU system" and an outstanding teacher and scholar.